The research reveals that 80% of adult brain is developed on the age of three and grows to almost 90% by the age of five. Engaging in Early Childhood Development is more of assuring the contribution to the better future generation.
Goal : Improving ECD by facilitating all children to reach their full potential through training their caregivers and the community surrounding them.
Activities : FXB Rwanda is engaged in Early Childhood Development services to ensure that children from poor families attain their full potential. The caregivers of the children aged 0 to 6 years old and the local community are trained and equipped with relevant skills that will enable them to boost their children’s potential holistically : Early stimulation, good parenting, Health, Nutrition, Sanitation, and Child Protection rights.
FXB Rwanda specifically engages with other community stakeholders to ensure the creation of environment which is friendly and productive to the child. This is specifically realized through giving the contribution in creating the playful environment in Rwanda, engaging the beneficiary families in making their homes the environment where the children can play and learn more skills.
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