f x b r w a n d a


Affected and infected Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC), their families, and Adolescent Girls And Young Women were reached with HIV/AIDS interventions



Children, lactating and pregnant women as well as other community leaders, actors and agents reached with Early Childhood Development (ECD) interventions


Economic Empowerment

Vulnerable population got leveled up through economic empowerment interventions implemented in different programs



School age children and youth got scholastic materials, hygienic materials, scholastic fees as well as continuous supervision through organization education programming


Health, Nutrition and WASH

Population in need of nutrition, health and WASH support including the families with malnutrition and poor families were supported through different interventions.


Violence Prevention

Community Members, actors and other stakeholders got reached with violence preventions messages especially through campaigns against Gender Based Violence


Climate Change & Environment Conservation

Community members reached with climate change and environment conservation interventions including sensitization on behaviors towards the environment protection


From Farm to Table: FXB Rwanda’s FOSTERING project reshapes nutritional routine in Gakenke and Nyabihu districts.

Community members in Gakenke and Nyabihu districts are embracing new dietary practices following an enlightening campaign led by FXB Rwanda and...

From Sex Worker to private sector

Aline is a young mother of two children. Aline’s family used to live in endless conflict. At 16 years old, she experienced asexual violence when...

A light towards my educational dreams realization

Immaculée Tuyisingize is a young girl born with 5 siblings in a poor family residing in Shyogwe Sector of Muhanga District, Southern province of...

Welcome Note

Dear visitor,

It is my pleasure to welcome you to FXB Rwanda website ! It was put in place with the aim of providing relevant information on the work of the organization.

FXB Rwanda is a Non-Governmental Organization that empowers vulnerable children and families by providing support in early childhood development , HIV care, education, nutrition, health, economic empowerment, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene.

Feel free to engage with us.

Thank you !


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